Psychotria djumaensis

- Habit.
- Immature fruit.
- Midrib and venation, leaf lower surface.
- Stipule.
- Flowers.
- Dissected flower.
- Inflorescence.
General Information
The genus Psychotria probably has more species in this area than any other genus of flowering plant. Most of the species are small shrubs less than 2 m tall but there are a few small trees. This species flowers profusely and is a handsome plant with its new green, shiny leaves produced at this time. It can reach 4 m high by scrambling on other vegetation. The leaf is inrolled, especially at the base. The stipules between the petioles, which are so characteristic of the family, fall very rapidly in this species.
This species grows in seasonally flooded areas, including sites that flood so deeply that the plant is completely underwater for a period. For this reason it is not a surprise to find it flowering at the period of low water.
Distribution: Cameroon and Gabon to Malawi and Angola.