Vismia laurentii

- Leaf bases, upper surface.
- Leaf base, lower surface.
- Midrib and venation, leaf lower surface.
- Leaf margin, lower surface.
- Midrib and venation, leaf upper surface.
- Slash.
- Young leaves.
- Flower.
General Information
This species occurs on the flood plain of the Likouala aux Herbes River, close to Epena. It is a small tree to about 6 m high. The slash oxidises quickly to a deep orange-red colour with dots of orange latex. It has opposite leaves with fine black dots on both surfaces. Larger black dots occur at the leaf margin on the lower surface. The flowers have almost translucent white petals with fine purple lines and the numerous stamens are grouped in five bunches. The fruits, about 1 cm in diameter, are whitish with brown spots. The family Hypericaceae, which includes St John’s Wort, is closely related to Guttiferae or Clusiaceae and shares the yellow or orange latex and opposite leaves.
Seasonally flooded areas in full sunlight.
Distribution: Cameroon to DRC.