Afrostyrax lepidophyllus

- Midrib and venation, lower surface.
- Leaf base, lower surface.
- Dried seeds.
- Leafy branch with new leaf, upper surface.
General Information
The most striking thing about this tree is that all parts smell of onion or garlic. The bark is pale coloured and the slash whitish. The leaves when fresh are a very bright green on their upper surface. On the lower surface they are dull, pale brown to matt white due to a dense covering of tiny white scales. On old leaves, found under the tree, these scales fall off to reveal a very tight, regular pattern of rectangles formed by the finest venation. The leaves each have a pair of stipules which fall early.
Mixed species and Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest on terra firma.
Distribution: Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon to DRC.