Pterocarpus soyauxii

- Fruit.
- Leaflets bases, upper surface.
- Fruiting branch.
- Stipules and terminal bud.
- Slash.
- Base of immature tree.
- Leafy branch.
General Information
A tall straight bole which can reach trunk diameters of up to 1 m. The large individuals have buttresses up to 2 m high. The bark is rather rough and is shed by the tree in vertical strips. The slash is red with red latex. The compound pinnate leaves are rather variable in shape and pubescence especially between young and mature individuals. The single seeded, winged fruits which give the name to the genus are pale yellow and about 7 cm in diameter. Bees feed on the bright yellow flowers, but be careful of honey made when this species is flowering as it is reported to induce vomiting.
Forest on terra firma, especially in disturbed areas.
Distribution: Nigeria to DRC and Gabon.